Monday, October 08, 2007

A Good Work

There are certain words that should be used carefully and sparingly. I am speaking of superlatives: great! wonderful! magnificent! terrible! horrible! And then there is "awesome." We should save that one for our Lord God; the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Having given that caveat, I am now going to describe last week with the Mississippi Singing Churchmen: Great! Wonderful! Magnificent!

The presence of God was awesome.

Their attitudes were second to none.

Their work was excellent.

God saved scores of men and women. I do not even have a final tally, but it will be close to one hundred who made professions of faith.

The president of Congress, Luis Gonzales de Posada, and I share comments regarding our work.

We shared with the powerful and with the poor. We worked in the inner city and the outlying areas. The group sang in schools and in parks. They worked, as we say in Mississippi, "can to can't." Sixteen hour days were normal. Twice we had a break and only worked twelve hours.

In the end, it was all a joyful celebration of the hand of God in our midst.

Thanks, Churchmen. Thanks, prayer warriors. Thanks to the Lord, above all else.


Anonymous said...

Me ha llenado de gozo, cada palabra que has plasmado, aquella vivencia maravillosa que nos bendijo el Señor con los 49 mùsicos, y la visita al CONGRESO DE LA REPUBLICA DEL PERU, y sentirme que aporte con un granito de arena, para la obra del Señor,. para los màs de 2,500 personas que asistieron masivamente a cada evento y las pesonas que aceptaron seguir JESUS.
Es encomiable la labor que realizaron los 49 mùsicos para venir a un pais lejano, tercer mundista, golpeado por la pobreza, fenòmenos naturales y convulsiones sociales que sufre la sociedad peruan. Rezo porque vuelvan los mùsicos y otros màs que aporten con su arte.
David Alejandro Miranda Moreno.
DNI 06188894,
TELEF. 511+99251040

Kevin, Somewhere in Southern America said...

Estimado David,

Gracias por tus palabras. Confiamos en el poder de Dios en todo esto. El es bueno, todo el tiempo.


J. Guy Muse said...

One of the greatest, bestest, most fantastic volunteer teams we ever had come down was the choir from FBC-Houston who came down in 1996.

How were you able to get the MS Mens Choir to come down? We have a big opportunity to use a choir like this time next year here in Ecuador. Any info you can share would be most appreciated.

Kevin, Somewhere in Southern America said...


Brother, Ken Rhodes, of the Mississippi Baptist Convention Board, helped us with this trip. I will send you his address in a separate, private e mail.

We are still hearing comments about the power of God behind this group. It will bear fruit for some time to come.