Monday, July 24, 2023

Act Like Men

I want to speak to the men who may stumble upon this.

 A portion of a verse of Scripture has resounded in my mind over the past few days. It is found in 1 Corinthians 16:13: 

Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.

Act like men. 

What does this even mean anymore? Think about it; we are warned on every side to watch out for our toxic masculinity (and I agree that unregenerated masculinity can be toxic). We are called misogynists for any stated idea that violates the senses of the women in the proverbial room. Too many boys have been reared in homes without a male role model. [SIDE NOTE: In some cases, even if there is a male present, he is there in violation of biblical principles; and in other cases, he is there but uninvolved.] This and more causes us to hide what it means to be a man. 

Now, for those who do not want to do a lot of reading, you can listen to Francis Chan speak about men here. It's a good message.

While I am tempted to do a full exegesis of this verse, I only want to apply that simple declaration to act like men for the men who may read this. Perhaps something will be meaningful to you.

I will begin with the end of the verse: be strong. Perhaps it would be better to write this as, be becoming strong, or, be strengthened. We are to grow in our strength in the Lord and of the Lord. If you want to be strengthened, look to the source of strength. The Lord is your strength. The indwelling Holy Spirit is your strength and strengthener. 

  • Men, we must act like men and guard our eyes. I am largely speaking about porn. It is still a problem. It is a plague in this world. 
  • Are you a single man? Act like a man and keep your zipper zipped! God says that sex is good; but He also stipulates it is for marriage. You can do this. You can be strengthened in the Lord.
  • Are you married? Act like a man and show your wife love. Let's get real. Show her the kind of love that will meet her needs. 
  • Some of you think you are too good to help out at home. You leave the tedious work of a clean house to your wife, never helping out. I have a news flash for you: SHE'S NOT YOUR MOTHER! You did not marry your mother. Quit expecting her to come behind you, picking up your nasty clothes and other things your mother may have done.  
  • Some of you want your wives to be the cleaning lady. What? You're too tired to pick up a broom or a vacuum? You're hands can't bear loading the dishwasher, or washing those dishes you want to eat from? Poor baby! Act like men! You can show her some love by helping with that daily chore.
  • Some of you look at your wives as a chambermaid. You want her to make your bed, fluff your pillow and leave a mint on it, and turn back the covers. Why don't you do that for her? 
  • Some of you want her as a sex toy. Act like men and treat her as the most precious thing to come into your life, except for the Lord Jesus. 
  • Let me speak to the dads for a moment. Do you have children at home? Act like men and be involved with all your children. It is cliché, I know; but children spell love, TIME. They really do. Your direct interaction with them means more than all the toys China can produce. 
  • As the husband and father, I want to emphasize to you that real men lead in spiritual things. Too many men I have known in my lifetime are content to leave spiritual development to the mother of their children. Men, we are the spiritual leaders in the home. We are given the role and responsibility to be the primary Bible teachers. We men are good at practical things. We need to improve when it comes to spiritual leadership. 

Too many words in a blog get looked over. I could say more. I believe these few thoughts will provoke you to love and to good works. 

Jesus is Lord!

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