Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Decision 2008: What's at Stake?

The races continue, both for the legislative and the executive branches of our federal government. But, believe it or not, this is a race for the judicial branch, too. It is a serious thing. Activist judges have made it so. Consider the marriage amendment in California. Activist judges forced this public debate. They condoned that which is against nature when they agreed that men could marry men and women could marry women. Now Connecticut's activist supremes have joined the ranks of the rank.

One of these times there will be an appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court; or perhaps another attempt at federal legislation. With the legislative branch controlled by the libs, plus a socialist lib in the White House, one can expect the kind of social activism that only causes the hoardes of evil to rub their hands together in glee. If a liberal wins the White House, you can expect appointments of activist judges that will continue what Bill Clinton began in 1992. That includes appointments to the Supreme Court. If you are a follower of Jesus, you don't want to see that.

Our founding fathers said that this government will only function properly for a Christian people. If non-Christians ever take power, the government of the people, by the people, and for the people will cease to be for us and by us. In other words, America as we know it, will cease to be.

If we do not humble ourselves and pray, plus put feet to our prayers by voting and encouraging others to vote a conservative ballot, we have no one to blame but ourselves. We will reap what we sow.

Sadly, some see the voting booth as an a-moral place; that is, there is no right or wrong in your decision. Not so. Vote for a man or woman you know has made evil legislative choices and you are directly responsible for the evil he or she continues to legislate or execute. You will not be held unaccountable when God renders judgment.

What's at stake? Your children's future. The integrity of the nation. You. That is what is at stake.


martinezfamily said...

I agree that there is much at stake in this election but as Christians I think we have to fully trust in God's purposes no matter who ends up winning.

I think of Romans 13:1 "Everyone must submit to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except from God, and those that exist are instituted by God."

What would be God's purpose for an Obama presidency? I'm not sure but God's purpose will be fulfilled. Could it be judgment?

Kevin, Somewhere in Southern America said...


You are on target with your observations. If Obama were to win, we would be responsible to obey the authorities. We are equally responsible to pray for them. the same is true with McCain. Whoever the president and congress are, we must demonstrate submission.

Why would America vote for one such as Obama? Because of hardness of heart; because of blindness in their discernment; and yes, possibly because of judgment. It may be time to judge America for tens of millions of murders, commonly known as abortion. It may be time to judge America because of our tolerance of all kinds of sexual depravity. It may be time to judge us because of our greed and lust for material things. We have abundance of time and possessions and many, but not everyone, chooses to ignore those who do not. It may be time to call that into reckoning.

But like you, I am praying for a little more mercy; I am praying that we can find a few righteous souls to point to, asking God to withhold judgment for the sake of getting the gospel out a little longer.


Kevin, Somewhere in Southern America said...


You are on target with your observations. If Obama were to win, we would be responsible to obey the authorities. We are equally responsible to pray for them. the same is true with McCain. Whoever the president and congress are, we must demonstrate submission.

Why would America vote for one such as Obama? Because of hardness of heart; because of blindness in their discernment; and yes, possibly because of judgment. It may be time to judge America for tens of millions of murders, commonly known as abortion. It may be time to judge America because of our tolerance of all kinds of sexual depravity. It may be time to judge us because of our greed and lust for material things. We have abundance of time and possessions and many, but not everyone, chooses to ignore those who do not. It may be time to call that into reckoning.

But like you, I am praying for a little more mercy; I am praying that we can find a few righteous souls to point to, asking God to withhold judgment for the sake of getting the gospel out a little longer.


Kevin, Somewhere in Southern America said...


You are on target with your observations. If Obama were to win, we would be responsible to obey the authorities. We are equally responsible to pray for them. the same is true with McCain. Whoever the president and congress are, we must demonstrate submission.

Why would America vote for one such as Obama? Because of hardness of heart; because of blindness in their discernment; and yes, possibly because of judgment. It may be time to judge America for tens of millions of murders, commonly known as abortion. It may be time to judge America because of our tolerance of all kinds of sexual depravity. It may be time to judge us because of our greed and lust for material things. We have abundance of time and possessions and many, but not everyone, chooses to ignore those who do not. It may be time to call that into reckoning.

But like you, I am praying for a little more mercy; I am praying that we can find a few righteous souls to point to, asking God to withhold judgment for the sake of getting the gospel out a little longer.