Friday, September 30, 2011

Missions 2011 in Peru

10 days ago a group of us from Mississippi parted from the Jackson airport and headed to Lima. The majority went on for a few days of tourism in the mountains. I stayed behind to do missions. I was invited to be a "keynote speaker," as they put it to me, for the first annual cross-cultural missions conference. Though I did not see the fruit from it, I was told a dozen men and women responded to the invitation to be career missionaries. I can only shout praises to King Jesus over that. I saw a dream fulfilled in their decision and the burgeoning missions agency known as Peru to the Nations. It filled my heart with joy.

A week ago the rest of the Mississippi group arrived. It was the second trip for these men. Who are they? They are the Mississippi Singing Churchmen. These men and I, plus three ladies, converged on Lima and proceeded to present concerts of praise throughout the city. Each day was better than the day before. We sang before the wealthy; we sang before the very poor. We sang before the unknown and we sang before the renowned personalities in the city. And God gave a harvest. God showed himself powerful and answered prayer beyond our dreams.

When we lost permission to sing in one place, God opened other venues for us. We wanted to sing before Congress in their daily session. It did not happen. But we did get to sing in front of the congressional palace. Broadcast live across the nation. To thousands, not hundreds. Our God does far more than we ask or think.

Each day the harvest seemed to be better than the day before. We know of at least 60 who prayed to receive Christ; the Lord knows how many truly did. But we were able to be an influence in their lives, at least.

The trip has ended--for the Singing Churchmen, that is. I am still here; my church, the 38th Family, arrives tomorrow night. And the mission continues. And more men and women will be born into the family of God. And God receives all the glory.


Unknown said...

at least 60?! praise God! What a fantastic celebration. If only more Christians would get excited enough about the salvation of a lost soul to go out and preach the gospel to all nations.

Kevin, Somewhere in Southern America said...

Yes, at least 60, Missy! And add to that the ministries of personal evangelism by those 39 men, and you have several more. Then add those from this week. I can't begin to tell you how many. I did not ask them to count it. I guess probably 8 people prayed with me, Jarrett and Diane. I don't know how many prayed with Jim, Peggy, and Victor.

It's been a great harvest time. God was good. This will be one of the most memorable trips in the church family.